At Elite Pond & Aquarium, we offer a variety of services to fit our customer's needs, including the following overview
NEW! Iguana and Toad Removal
If you have a pond in South Florida, chances are good that you're familiar with iguanas and toads. While these critters can be cute, they're also invasive and dangerous to pets and landscaping! We help our customers reduce these pest populations and implement a maintenance plan to keep them away.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Anyone in aquatic hobbies knows how much work is involved with maintaining a beautiful aquarium or pond and sometimes we all need a helping hand. We offer cleaning and maintenance services to fit your needs and your budget, from a spot cleaning before the holidays to a full service maintenance schedule.
Installation and Design
Whether it’s a 10 gallon tank or a 30,000 gallon pond, installation and set-up can be a daunting task for the inexperienced. We have the skill to take your project from fantasy to reality while avoiding common design pitfalls.
Pool Conversions and other Specialties
Let's face it, some of us are just built different. If you have an unconventional idea and need some help implementing it, contact us for a consultation. From aquaponics to zooplankton, if we don't think we can help, we'll refer you to a partner who can.
Plant/Livestock Management
We are happy to work with existing pond owners to manage their aquatic ecosystems in order to maximize their ability to hold large, healthy fish populations and diverse plant and invertebrate species